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ODZ Dripper ~ Artist Series




Introducing the exquisite ODZ Dripper, a perfect blend of functionality and art. More than just a coffee brewer, the ODZ is a handcrafted masterpiece from Thailand, made from the finest bone china import from England. Its distinctive design features ten deep, wave-like channels radiating from a spacious central cavity, seamlessly combining beauty and innovation. This unique geometry accommodates both cone-shaped and flat-bottom wave filters, offering versatility for diverse brewing preferences.

The ODZ Dripper invites you to explore new brewing philosophies, opening a plethora of flavour we're yet to unlock. Adding to its allure, the ODZ comes in a spectrum of soft pastel hues, it also offers a bespoke artist series, where each dripper is a unique creation.

For a brewing experience that stands out in both taste and aesthetic appeal, the ODZ Dripper is an unparalleled choice.  https://coffeacirculor.com/blogs/news/gabriel-brix-places-2nd-at-the-national-2024-sca-austria-coffee-championship-in-the-brewers-cup-category-using-coffea-circulor-kenya-estate-bishop-wx 👆Gabriel use ODZ places 2nd at the national 2024 SCA Austria brewer cup 為美學而生的濾杯 由泰國藝術家精心設計,被譽為「最具美感的科學濾杯」 名字取自”Odyssey”,讀音亦近似 寓意咖啡的旅程處處充滿驚喜,讓我們一起探索。 * 英國骨瓷材質打造,良好保溫性能和耐腐蝕性 * 10道圓弧型肋骨,錐型濾杯設計 * 流速較快,2分鐘內完成萃取 * 甜感更豐富、醇厚細膩的咖啡風味 加購底坐👇 https://www.hapicoffee.store/i/SQNX5ugAA https://www.hapicoffee.store/i/UXYclAgAA 👆加購Hario 濾紙 加購CAFEC filter paper 👉https://www.hapicoffee.store/i/Xjjh72gAA

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